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Version: AMF 4.x.x

Custom error handlers


The following features of AMF error handling are still in development:

  • Support for custom error handling in parsing, validation, and emission stages
  • Javascript support

AMF error handlers

An error handler is a mechanism that lets you handle any errors that arise while using AMF. You can define custom error handlers and use them as plugins in AMF's resolution stage.

There are 3 types of errors in AMF, denoted by the amf.core.validation.SeverityLevels object:

  • Info
    • Indicates something may or may not be wrong
    • Typically informational depending on user intent
  • Warning
    • Indicates that something is not correct and action is required
    • Includes warnings about future changes, tool deprecations, or errors that will become violations in the future
  • Violation
    • Indicates that something is in violation of normal operations or is not compliant with its specification
    • Invalidates the AMF graph model

How error handling works in AMF

AMF transforms each error into a ValidationResult, and collects all generated results in a ValidationReport. After the validation stage, AMF returns the ValidationReport.

trait ValidationResult {
def message: Option[String]
def path: String
def sourceConstraintComponent: String
def focusNode: String
def severity: String
def sourceShape: String

trait ValidationReport {
def conforms: Boolean
def results: List[ValidationResult]

Example ValidationReport

For example, consider the following OAS 3.0 API:

"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"title": "test api",
"version": "1"

This API is invalid as it doesn't have the paths:{} object that is required by the OpenAPI 3.0 Specification. In this case, AMF returns the following ValidationReport:

Profile: OAS 3.0
Conforms? false
Number of results: 1
- Source:
Message: 'paths' is mandatory in OAS spec
Level: Violation
Target: file://amf-client/shared/src/test/resources/validations/oas3/paths-property.json#/web-api
Position: None

The report contains detailed error information, but with a custom error handler, you could implement additional behavior to:

  • Stop execution when a certain type of error is found
  • Process, modify, or log incoming errors
  • Run and check errors of a single stage (for example, parse an OAS 2.0 API and check if it has parsing errors)

To add custom functionality, you need to implement the provided error handler interface.

Implement the error handler interface

The error handler interface is located at amf.client.resolve, as it's used only in the resolution stage. The error handler interface declares the method reportConstraint(), which AMF uses to report runtime errors:

trait ClientErrorHandler {

def reportConstraint(id: String,
node: String,
property: ClientOption[String],
message: String,
range: ClientOption[amf.core.parser.Range],
level: String,
location: ClientOption[String]): Unit

The method takes the following arguments:

  • id
    • The id of the error
  • node
    • The AMF model node containing the error
  • property (optional)
    • The specific property that is faulty
  • message
    • The message that describes the error
  • range (optional)
    • The specific part of the parsed file that generates the error
  • level
    • The SeverityLevel of the error: info, warning, or violation
  • location (optional)
    • The error's location in the AMF graph model

Example code for a custom error handler

The following example code is for a custom error handler that throws an exception when an error is found:

Code extracted from the examples GitHub repository.